Know Your H2O

Water is living—and the majority of your body is ~70% water. Proper hydration is key to staying energized and keeping your body functioning. But, not all water is the same…


Did you Know?

How much water do I need to drink?

Water is more important than food or vitamin supplements. You can go days without them, but you can’t survive long without water! We even need it for breathing! The body loses 2.5L of water every day just through normal bodily functions—and your water needs increase for when you’re sick, pregnant or breastfeeding. Since no two people are alike, neither is their required fluid intake. And it’s important to know your individual needs. When you’re hungry, your stomach talks to you. But your thirst mechanism is much less sophisticated. By the time your brain tells you to get a drink, you’re already slightly dehydrated. Even mild dehydration can affect you mentally and physically.

As a general rule of thumb, most of us need between 8 to 10 cups of water per day—dependant on climate, stress, exercise and the amount of cooked food you consume. How much water should you drink a day? Use a hydration calculator to help determine the amount.

What if I don’t drink the recommended daily intake?

Many people are chronically dehydrated, and that slows the metabolic rate, and delays excretion of waste. When you feel sluggish, tired, and with no energy, think about your daily water intake. Never wait until you have a dry mouth or feel thirsty. By this time you are already dehydrated. Drink water between your meals and sip on water throughout the day. Even mild dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3% (making you gain weight and have less energy). It reduces short-term memory and is the root cause of many diseases associated with aging (e.g. arthritis, G.I. disorders, senile, dementia). Dehydration causes heartburn, arthritis, headaches and migraines, high blood pressure, angina, asthma, and adult-onset diabetes. Coffee or soft drinks don’t count as part of our liquid intake. Because of the caffeine in coffee and most soft drinks, you need to consume at least the same amount of water just to break even. Don’t depend on fruit juice—its high sugar content can dehydrate you just like soft drinks!

Why should I drink Pure Water?

Water is absolutely essential for life—it is our most vital nutrient. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. It is important to realize that our body does not need liquids—it needs water! Water lubricates tissues, flushes water and toxins, hydrates the skin, and transports minerals, vitamins, proteins and sugars around the body for assimilation. The water you drink is important for: digestion, detoxification, elimination, metabolism, circulation, temperature regulation and joint lubrication.

Do I need minerals in the Water?

There are two kinds of chemicals, inorganic and organic. The inorganic chemicals like chlorine, alum and sodium fluoride cannot be utilized in a healthy way by the living tissues of the body and can only cause harm! When you drink inorganic water your vital organs are not strong enough to flush those inorganic minerals out of the body, and as a result deposit themselves in your joints. Our body is composed of 19 organic minerals, which must come from a living source or one that was once alive.

The body does need minerals, but only organic minerals can be used by the body! There is not one mineral in water which cannot be found more abundantly in food! Water is the most unreliable source of minerals because it varies from one area to another. The food we eat—not the water we drink—is our best reliable source of organic minerals!


Water is the key to all bodily functions

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When your body is fully hydrated, it allows you to operate at an optimal level and achieve you best health!


With all these important functions of water in your body…doesn’t it make good sense to put only high quality water into your body?


Think before you drink!


Things that are invisible to the eye, but may be in your drinking water…

Bacteria and Parasites represents a major threat to your health and often result in severe cramps, diarrhea or worse.

Inorganic Materials such as lead, mercury, asbestos, nitrate, copper, fluoride, arsenic, barium to name a few.

Organic Contaminants includes hundreds of components from sewage industrial solvents, fuel by-products, decaying materials, etc.

Pesticides used in agriculture to control insects. RADIONUCLIDES from radio-active waste,and uranium deposits.

Herbicides includes PCBs, and numerous chemical compounds used in agriculture.


Want to learn more, or get your water tested?

Check out our News & Media section—or request a FREE Demo to see what you’re really drinking!