Drinking Water: A History


Salzman, J. (2017). Drinking Water. United States: Abrams Press


When we turn on the tap or twist open a tall plastic bottle, we probably don’t give a second thought about where our drinking water comes from. But how it gets from the ground to the glass is far more convoluted than we might think.

In this revised edition of Drinking Water, Duke University professor and environmental policy expert James Salzman shows how drinking water highlights the most pressing issues of our time. He adds eye-opening, contemporary examples about our relationship to and consumption of water, and a new chapter about the atrocities that occurred in Flint, Michigan. Provocative, insightful, and engaging, Drinking Water shows just how complex a simple glass of water can be.

  • Introduction: Mother McCloud

  • Chapter 1: The Fountain of Youth

  • Chapter 2: Who Gets to Drink?

  • Chapter 3: Is It Safe to Drink the Water?

  • Chapter 4: Death in Small Doses

  • Chapter 5: Flint

  • Chapter 6: Blue Terror

  • Chapter 7: Bigger Than Soft Drinks

  • Chapter 8: Need Versus Greed

  • Chapter 9: Finding Water for the Twenty-first Century

  • Afterword: A Glass Half Empty / A Glass Half Full

BookKaren Ng-Hem