Water: The Shocking Truth that Can Save Your Life!


Water Can Make or Break Your Health
Bragg, P. (2011). Water: The Shocking Truth That Can Save Your Life, United States. Health Science.


The purity of our water is the most critical element in maintaining radical vitality, and healing from illness and disease. In this newly revised edition of Water: The Shocking Truth, health crusaders Paul Bragg and Patricia Bragg reveal the dangers of tap water, which research shows can be responsible for many ailments, due to the addition of dangerous chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine. In this book, the trailblazing father-daughter team teach the many functions water performs in the body, from regulating the various systems to flushing the body of waste and toxins. But what if the substance we use to cleanse our bodies is itself polluted? With the mandatory fluoridation of water in the municipal water systems, the authors assert that has been the case for decades. Added to the public water supply to prevent tooth decay starting in the 1950s, fluoride has long been known to be a toxin, used in pesticides and rat poisons. Learn what types of water are optimal to drink, how and why to detox your body with nature’s most life-giving liquid, and the health-and-life-saving value of installing a water filter in your shower!

Chapter 1: Water – The Shocking Truth

  • Pure Water is Required for Health

  • The World’s Water Supply

  • Water Goes On Forever

  • The Endless Wonders of God-given Water

  • Water Penetrates Everywhere

  • The Hydrologic Cycle (graphic)

  • Hot Mineral Water Under California Desert

  • Niagara Falls is Committing Slow Suicide

  • Our Oceans and Seas

  • Man Cannot Live Without Water

  • The Five Big Health Builders

  • Salt (Inorganic Sodium) is a Health Wrecker

  • Why the Body Needs Pure Water

  • Water Flushes Toxins Out of the Body

  • The 70% Watery Human (graphic)

  • Water is Important to Superb Health

Chapter 2: Black Death – Polluted Deadly Waters 

  • Water! Water! Everywhere – But Not a Safe Drop to Drink!

  • Inorganic Versus Organic Minerals

  • Dangerous Inorganic Minerals & Toxins in Drinking Water

  • Fluorine is a Deadly Poison

  • The Grim Story Behind Fluoridation

  • Shocking Historical Fluoride Facts

  • The Fluoridation Fiasco

  • More Fluoride Warnings!

  • More Shocking Fluoride Updates!

  • Keep Toxic Fluoride Out of Your Water!

  • Danger – Don’t Drink Water with Sodium Fluoride

  • We Live in a Sick, Sick World

  • Few People Appreciate Health Until Lost

  • Marvelous Mechanisms of the Body

  • Autonomic Nervous System (graphic)

  • The Digestive System (graphic)

  • Hardening of the Arteries

  • Normal Artery Compared to Clogged Artery (graphic)

  • Brains Turned to Stone

  • Miracle Functions of the Human Brain (graphic)

  • Do You Show Signs of Premature Ageing? (Graphic)

Chapter 3: Paul C. Bragg’s Childhood 

  • Paul C. Bragg’s Early Experiences With Hard Water

  • I Discover the Miseries Caused by Hard Water

  • Millions Suffer With Joint Pain

  • Seven Types of Joints (graphic)

  • T.B. in My Teens

  • Locations in the Body Where Arthiritis Pain and Misery Hit

  • Boron – Miracle Trace Mineral for Healthy Bones

  • The Secret of Rain and Snow Water

  • The Answer to Healthful Living

  • My First Two Cases

  • Geneal View of the Central Nervous System

  • From Sickness to Superb Health

  • Mother Nature’s Way

  • The LaLannes and The Bragg (graphic)

  • Paul & Patricia Lift Weights (graphic)

Chapter 4: Water & Its Effects on the Human Body 

  • The Stones Within Us

  • Silent, Painless Gallstones May Become Noisy and Painful

  • Aple Cider Vinegar Combats Gallstones

  • Kidney Stones

  • The Urinary System (graphic)

  • Don’t Drink Inorganic Mineralized Water

  • Dolomite Tablets – Inorganic & Unhealthy

  • What is Gout?

  • The Three Arm Joints (graphic)

  • Healthful Ways to Alleviate Gout

  • Four Types of Joint Movement (graphic)

  • Organic Fruits and Vegetables – Nature’s Finest

  • Arthritis and Rheumatism

  • Posture Chart (graphic)

  • Bragg Posture Exercise

  • Health Hints for Aching Muscles and Joints

  • The Bones of the Human Body (graphic)

  • Posture Silhouettes (graphic)

  • Don’t Let Your Brain Turn to Stone

  • The Nervous System is the Communication Network of the Body

  • Doomed to the Human Scrap Pile

  • How the Brain Functions

  • Adult Brain (graphic)

  • The Brain Needs High Quality Nutrition

  • Neuron (graphic)

  • Organic Minerals are Essential to Life

  • Organic Minerals Make the Man!

  • Formula for Creating a Human Being

  • The Body is Composed of Organic Minerals

  • The Alkaline or Base-Forming Minerals

  • Lower Respiratory System (graphic)

  • Inorganic Water Turns People to Stone

  • Stone Lady Mystery Solved

  • Bone Spurs and Moveable Joint Calcification

  • Deposits in the Heel (graphic)

  • Do It Yourself Calcification Test

  • Organic Calcium is Important for a Fit Heart

  • New Info Regarding Calcium Requirements for Healthy Bodies

  • Calcified Toenails and Fingernails

  • Mineral Deposits in the Toes (graphic)

  • Inorganic Deposits Cause Bad Posture

  • Ways to Walk, Sit and Lounge (graphic)

  • Water – The Curse of an Aching Back

  • Proper Walking and Lifting Posture (graphic)

  • The Parade of the “Living Dead”

  • Check Your Mattress (graphic)

  • Mankind is Sick & Growing Sicker

  • Disfiguring Broken Capillaries

  • Cold Feet and Cold Hands

  • Clogged Pipes (graphic)

  • Stop Kidney Stones Cold

  • Exercises for Healthy Feet

  • Head Noises and Ringing in Ears

  • The Human Ear (graphic)

  • Inorganic Minerals and Toxins Affect the Eyes

  • Sectional View of the Right Eyeball (graphic)

  • Natural Foods Help Protect Your Eyes

  • The Eye is Like A Camera (graphic)

  • Build Clean, Healthy Blood

  • Diagram of the Circulatory System (graphic)

Chapter 5: Organic Minerals

  • Iron, the Oxygen Carrier of the Blood

  • How Plants Do Their Miracle Work

  • Iron Serves Four Distinct Purposes in Plants, Animals, and Man

  • Vegetables and Fruits are Good Sources of Iron

  • Every Mineral Matters

  • These Foods are Rich in Organic Minerals (graphic)

  • Beets for Longevity – Recipe for Beet-Veggie Soup

  • Salt is a Slow but Sure Killer!

  • Organic Sodium – Powerful Natural Solvent

  • Misinformation About Killer Salt

  • We Constantly Hear These Erroneous Statements About Salt

  • Salt – A Harmful Preservative. Don’t Use It!

  • The “Fad” of Drinking Sea Water

  • Sea Salt is Inorganic Sodium (Salt)!

  • Sea Kelp – Rich Minerals from the Sea

  • Overweight and Dropsy

  • The World’s Greatest Health Secret

  • Fresh Juices are the Magic Cleansers

  • Let Natural Food Be Your Medicine

  • Reeducating Your Taste Buds

  • Eliminating Meat is Healthiest

  • % of Calories from Vegetable Proteins (chart)

  • Avoid These Processed, Refined, Harmful Foods

  • Benefits From the Joys of Fasting

  • Fasting Cleanses, Renews, and Rejuvenates

  • Master Key to Internal Purification

  • Fasting Brings Remarkable Results

  • Food and Product Summary

  • Enjoy Super Health with Natural Foods

  • Healthy Beverages and Recipes

  • Foods Naturally Rich in Vitamin E (chart)

Chapter 6: The Water We Need For Health

  • Drink Only Distilled Water

  • What About Rain Water?

  • How to Fight Hardening of the Arteries

  • Stages of Artery Hardening (graphic)

  • We Drink Juices During Our World Health Crusades

  • The Great Watermelon Flush

  • Paul C. Bragg’s Prediction

  • Life Expectancy – Life Span

  • Exercise is Vital for Health and Longevity

  • Keep Young Biologically with Exercise and Good Nutrition

  • Be the Health Captain of Your Life!

  • Comfort, Security and Happiness for You

  • How Safe is Chlorinated Water?

  • 20 Facts about Distilled Water

  • Prevention is Always Better than a Cure

  • Our Bodies Can Only Endure So Much and Still Survive

  • Perpetual Youthfulness Can Be Yours!

  • Bragg Blessings to you our Health Friend!

  • Uncomplicate Your Life

Chapter 7: Special Supplement

  • A New Era of Personal Ecology

  • Biochemists Shocked by Lab Tests

  • Poisoned By Food and Water

  • Amino Acids are Vital to Life

  • Healthy Metals Murder Amino Acids

  • “Plastic” Food Removes Vital Amino Acids

  • Protective Action in Personal Ecology

  • What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves?

  • Political Action for Permanent Ecology

  • What Can One Person Do?

  • Let’s Clear Up Some Confusion

  • What is “Pure Water”?

  • What is Distilled Water?

  • Drinking Safe Water

  • How Drinking Water Affects Your Health

  • Total Dissolved Solids and Chronic Disease

  • High Blood Pressure and Drinking Water

  • Water Softeners + Sodium = Trouble

  • The Sad Truth About Chlorination

  • Cancers and Chlorination

  • Can Miscarriages & Birth Defects Be Caused By Tap Water?

  • Dangerous Chemicals in Our Drinking Water

  • Fluoride and Cancer

  • Home Water Distillation and Filtration Systems

  • Deadly Chemical Cocktails

  • The Human Cell is Immortal

  • Organic Minerals Are Essential to Health

  • Distilled Water Acts as a Cleansing Solvent in the Body

  • Pure Water is the Greatest Life-Giver!

  • Pure Water – Essential for Health

  • Warning – Milk and its Dangers!

  • Skin Absorbs Water, Toxins and All!

  • Toxic Exposure From Showers

  • Five Hidden Dangers in Your Shower

  • Showers, Toxic Chemicals & Chlorine

  • Don’t Gamble With Your Health

  • Total Health for the Total Person

  • Ten Reasons Why You Should Drink Distilled Water

  • Praises for Water, The Shocking Truth

  • Questions and Answers

  • Urgent Health Alert!

  • Recommended – Water Research Reading

BookKaren Ng-Hem