What’s in Your Water?


The Shocking Truth About Bottled Water and Tap Water and How You Can Protect Yourself 
Hinds, J. (2008). What's in Your Water?. United States: J.A.H. Enterprises, LLC.


Drink 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy. Nothing new right? Well, what matters most is the quality of the water you consume each day.

The TRUTH is that millions of people have been bamboozled into thinking that all bottled water is pure and clean. However, many brands of bottled water have been filled with tap water that may not have been tested for bacteria and other contaminants...tap water that could actually cause CANCER. It's the same municipal tap water that an estimated 249 million Americans consume everyday!

  • Understand why chlorine is a double-edged sword

  • How taking a shower everyday in tap water could be harmful

BookKaren Ng-Hem